
party ALL the time.

Last week we had an AMAZING party @ The Firehouse Lounge, & when I say AMAZING I mean it!!! Definitely a night to remember (..or not, being that the shot of choice was patron) lol but it was a memorable night & THANK YOU to all those who came & partied with us & help made a memory of a lifetime.. Shoutout to DJ G.QUIZZLE, Lil Mike, Priscilla Cuevas & TXPHTV for the coverage & last but not least LIL J of the LOEGz (Thanks bro for everything! the party wouldn"t have been possible w/o you!)

on a boat!!!!

we were privileged to party like the rock stars we are, this time...on a boat
had a fucking blast... & it will happen again SOON!
keg+ganja=happy people